How To Use A Kitchen Shredder

Clear Tips To Know How To Use The Kitchen Shredder

And What Can I Throw What Not?

The kitchen shredder is becoming a more common element in the kitchens of our environment every day. But it is true that in Spain we have little tradition of using this popular ecological gadget. In the USA they are half a century ahead of us and in other neighboring countries they have a little less, but a lot compared to the implantation here. This is why we do not know how this simple utensil works, how easy it makes life for us. We explain some things that you did NOT know:

1. The Shredder Should NEVER Be Used With Hot Water

Contrary to what it may seem, hot water is the great enemy of the shredder. It should be crushed with plenty of cold water, with the idea of ​​helping to properly cool the appliance's motor. Many people are used to scrubbing with hot water, to dissolve fat garbage disposal rankings.

 However, these dissolved fats usually solidify when passing a meter or meter and a half of pipe. There they reduce the space of the PVC pipe and produce clogs.

2. The Shredder Consumes A Lot Of Water

By making an accumulation of organic waste and using the shredder when rinsing the dishes, the water consumption for the use of the appliance is zero. Since the dishes had to be rinsed in the same way before putting them in the dishwasher, in order to avoid residues that could clog it. In this way, the shredder uses the water to rinse the dishes to remove the residue.

3. I Can't Throw Bones, It's Only For Vegetables.

False, in modern shredders, any biodegradable organic waste can be thrown away. And the bones are among those residues. Although we must choose a high-end crusher to be able to remove the hardest bones. We just have to avoid throwing seashells These, being calcareous, will not dissolve well and could be a source of jams.

4. The Shredder Favors Pests In The Sewers.

False again. The crushed organic waste comes out in the form of Yogurt and passes into the wastewater stream. There are no chunks for rodents or other animals, as YES with garbage cans and stored garbage.

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